Thursday, September 25, 2008

Tag? I'm it? I guess....

My friend, Kim tagged me - I'm supposed to state 7 facts about myself: Pasting straight from Kim's blog...the rules:

  1. Link your tagger and list these rules on your blog.
  2. Share 7 facts about yourself on your blog, some random, some weird.
  3. Tag 7 people at the end of your post by leaving their names as well as links to their blogs.
  4. Let them know they have been tagged by leaving a comment on their blog.
So here are my facts:

1. I am a left lane driver. I hate driving in the right lane and I hate driving slowly...I am most comfortable driving left handed in the left lane at a speed between 80mph and 85 mph.

2. I've never gotten drunk before in my whole life (yes, this is true) - tipsy enough to stumble - only once - and that was at home, drinking with my roommate. I said goodnight and ended up in the roomie was nice enough to walk me back to my room. Thanks Shaun!

3. I am a musician. I studied classical piano, composition & theory for 8 years, starting when I was 8. It was my high school obsession - I was in the glee club as a soprano I/II and a co-accompanist at school. I was in the Liturgical Chorus, Regis High School Band & Chorus and played Liesl in my senior year's h.s. production of "The Sound of Music".

4. Unfortunately, I used to be a smoker...not anymore - my cigarette of choice? Marlboro Lights Menthol...ahh, if only it weren't so expensive, or smelly, or carcinogenic...I'd take a puff right now....and then I'd be a divorced ex-mother of's Adam's one rule for me. I can even drive 100 mph if the caravan can stand it, I just can't smoke, he said.

5. I read in the bathroom...whatever is handy - sometimes there is actual reading material in my bathroom, sometimes it's just the shampoo bottle...

6. I am a proud member of Red Sox nation. I may have been born in NYC but I was never a Yankees fan. Growing up I was a Met fan...we'll always have '86...but I became a Red Sox fan when I met my husband. I am also now a Patriots Fan, a Bruins Fan, a Celtics Fan and and Brockton Youth Hockey mom. (hi Dylan!)

7. I am struggling to find a seventh interesting thing about will have to soul search for this one....get back to you...

Bloggy friends...I only have a very few...and I already have Kim at the top of this page...check out my blog list for where I go - but I'm not tagging anyone...sorry...I'd rather you leave a comment with one interesting fact about you...

tune in for #7 - I'll figure it out this weekend....

P.S. I got a 96 on my first biology exam...we get to drop our lowest test grade - I hope that was my drop... =) me nerd....

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